Monday, January 7, 2008

Bombay Bits

By choice, we were only in Bombay for a day, and being a Sunday there was not all that much to do.

We did swing by the main train station though so that i could take a photo.
Why would i want to take a photo of the main train station "Victoria Terminus" you ask?

Since i was a little girl, i have been told a tale from my mum that goes something like this...

The architectural plans for Flinders Street Railway Station (in Melbourne - where i am from) were designed in England by the same architects for the Victoria Terminus in Bombay. The plans were accidentally switched before they were sent by ship which is why we ended up with an Indian looking station and why Bombay ended up with a British looking station (we are a colony remember!)

I admit it is fairly easy to believe this tale in that the station in Melbourne does look very east Indian and unlike any of our other colonial style buildings..... and when you see the one in Bombay....

So... being no closer to the truth, i did a little research thanks to google.....

So it appears that the stations were in fact designed by different architects... sorry mum i preferred your version!! but for trivial reasons have included the pic and the link.

Being another Indian city, of course there are cows walking around amongst the madness.
Remember this is a city of 16.4 million people!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi darling, countdown really on now, only 12 days to go, yea!!!!!!! Anyway, bit sad about the railway station story, I had always believed the story myself that the plans were mixed up when sent to each country. I will have a look at the link. Great photographs and the food looks pretty good, hope the same in Sri Lanka.

Love Mum xxxxxxx

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